The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry
The fear of the dentist is very common. Unfortunately, decades ago, dental professionals did not have the instruments we do now. Today, techniques are easy and quick.
Our dentist in Spruce Grove performs the most innovative techniques for the patient to feel comfortable. When they are too scared, we offer sedation dentistry.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
Our sedation dentistry in Spruce Grove has been successful every time. It consists of using a sedative before the procedure to calm patients.
There are three forms of sedation dentistry:
1. Oral sedation
If you are looking to control a moderate case of anxiety, oral sedation is excellent. Your doctor will prescribe a pill half-hour before the appointment for you to feel relaxed. They might suggest taking one the night before, but it will depend on each case.
If you and your dentist choose oral sedation, we suggest arranging your drive home since effects wear away a couple of hours after the procedure.
2. Gas Sedation
We also offer gas sedation dentistry near you, which consists of inhaling nitrous oxide and oxygen. This gas makes you sleepy and calm. You will feel tickles (it is called laughing gas) and content.
Unlike oral sedation, effects wear away about five minutes after removing the mask. You do not need to arrange your drive back home.
3. Intravenous Sedation
Intravenous sedation is for graver cases of anxiety, and it makes you asleep, although you remain conscious. It is perfect for toddlers who need to undergo a lot of dental work.
If you undergo a procedure with it, you will not remember it afterward. In this case, you should also bring someone to take you home. We recommend taking it easy during that day (you may resume your activities the next one).
When to Use Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry is indicated in little children who do not cooperate, patients with special needs, adults with dentophobia (irrational fear of the dentist), and patients who simply do not want to feel anything. You may visit a dentist near you to discuss your case. They will recommend the best option according to your wants and needs.
Sedation dentistry is completely safe under the control of professionals. We have a team with plenty of experience in this field.
What are the Benefits of Sedation Dentistry?
Among its many benefits, you can find the following:
• Shorter appointments - The doctors do not need to use the time to manage the behavior. This aspect benefits both the professional and the patient. It means less time for you in the dental office and more time for the doctor to destinate to others.
• Comfortable appointments - Today, the dentist does not have to be a painful experience. With sedation dentistry, you will not feel any discomfort.
• Fewer trips to the dentist - The dental professional can address many issues in a single appointment. For example, they can complete all treatments for a toddler with cavities in all semiarchs.
Choose the Right Doctor
Besides using sedation dentistry, choosing the right professional is essential. We recommend undergoing treatments with specialists because they take extra years after dental school to address specific cases. Due to this reason, they can use their knowledge to make the appointments shorter and with the latest techniques for a more comfortable experience.
The right professional will also have the best environment inside the dental clinic to reduce anxiety. Entering the clinic and feel welcome helps with anxiety. A warm waiting room, electronic devices, tea or a warm beverage, and relaxing music will help patients feel safe.
For more information, contact us today!
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