Dental Teeth Whitening As Part of Your Beauty Routine

Discolored and stained teeth are as natural and normal as coffee and red wine. Teeth can become stained even though you diligently maintain your oral care with brushing and flossing. Restoring your teeth to their ideal pearly white state may be much easier and faster than you think. We’ll breakdown the causes of discolored teeth, options for teeth whitening, and some of the important information you need to know about this part of your beauty regimen.

Causes of tooth discoloration

There are five common causes of tooth discoloration:

        Age: over time, a yellow substance called dentin is revealed as the enamel on your teeth is worn away
        Trauma: when your teeth suffer an injury, your body responds by producing more of that yellowy dentin
        Side-effects: medications such as antihistamines, antipsychotics, blood pressure medication, and antibiotics taken by young children can cause darkened teeth
        Food: strongly pigmented things like coffee, tea and red wine have pigments that bind to enamel
        Smoking: nicotine combined with oxygen when smoking produces a yellowy substance that stains teeth

There are a couple key things to keep in mind when considering teeth whitening in Spruce Grove. First, teeth aren’t usually white. Rather, enamel generally falls on a spectrum between light grey and yellow. This is important to keep in mind when looking at your teeth, setting your goals, and consulting with your dentist about reasonable expectations.

Second, using teeth whitening products too often, for too long, or improperly can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Any teeth whitening regimen should be part of a careful habit of oral care with input from your Spruce Grove dentist.

Teeth whitening options

Depending on the extent of your tooth discoloration, your budget, and your comfort level with dental work, there are a number of teeth whitening options from pastes to DIY kits and chairside bleaching.


There are toothpastes that contain abrasive elements that can help remove surface stains from teeth. Those abrasive elements are often the same ingredients that appear in regular toothpastes. Don’t expect any paste or gum to deliver the results you would get from a professional cleaning, though.

Bleaching with an over the counter kit

Bleaching compounds made from carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide can help break down tooth stains. These products are available in over-counter-kits that use pastes or strips. They can be effective if correctly applied and depending on the root cause of the discoloration, they can also be harmful if used incorrectly.

Take-home kits from a dentist

Dentists can provide and supervise bleaching by take-home kits after an assessment of your teeth. That assessment and supervision will make sure you’re using the correct product, and will help to make sure you’re using it correctly. Supervised personalized treatment by a Spruce Grove dentist is safer and more effective than over the counter options, toothpastes and gums.

Chairside bleaching

A dentist in Spruce Grove can provide teeth whitening services in their office. A dentist will use a much stronger version of the bleaching products used in over the counter kits, and ensure that they are applied properly to protect your teeth and gums using their specialized skills and equipment. You will achieve better results faster and more safely.

Is teeth whitening for everyone?

Teeth whitening products do not work for everyone and are not suitable for every person. If your tooth color has changed because of trauma or the side effects of medication, whitening products will not work. Stains on fillings, crowns, veneers, and caps cannot be removed by whitening products.

As a general rule, yellowed teeth can be bleached clean, but teeth whitening products are less effective on browned teeth. If your teeth are gray-tinged, bleach products may make no difference at all. No woman who is breastfeeding or pregnant should use teeth whitening products of any kind. 

Does it feel like teeth whitening may be a good option for you? To arrange for an assessment and dentist-supervised teeth whitening in Spruce Grove, contact a dental clinic near you. Your dentist will determine if you are eligible for this service.


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