Why To Ask Your Dentist to Whiten Your Teeth

Everyone’s reasons for wanting whiter teeth and to make other types of changes to your personal appearance are deeply personal. Having said that, we see a lot of patients looking to get rid of their stained, dull and dirty teeth and who are investigating teeth whitening in Spruce Grove. Why do so many people look for teeth whitening services from a dentist in Spruce Grove? Here are some of the most common answers. Do any of them resonate with you?

Whiter teeth will take years off your face

There are a lot of different factors that can fade, discolour and stain your teeth — ranging from injury and infection to foods and drink — but one factor is especially unavoidable: time. As you age, the enamel that coats the surface of your teeth gradually wears away. As it wears away and becomes thinner, the layer of dentin beneath that enamel becomes more and more visible. Because that dentin is yellowish in colour, your teeth gradually begin to look more and more yellow. That yellowing effect that you can do nothing to avoid can make you look ten years older than you really are.

While there are lots of cosmetic procedures designed to make your face look younger — Botox, dermal fillers, surgical procedures, etc. — but don’t forget about your teeth. Undergoing teeth whiteningin Spruce Grove can take a decade off your appearance in just a single appointment at a dentist near you.

You’ll feel more confident with whiter teeth

Many people with what they feel are flaws in their appearance tend to hide that imperfection or to hide away so that no one will see and judge them. That shame and self-consciousness are natural and understandable, but also something that you can eliminate from your life. If you’re self-conscious about the colour of your teeth, ask a dentist near you if you’re a good candidate for teeth whitening. After a teeth whitening procedure, you’ll find your confidence has increased and that you’ll look forward to social events and intimate moments rather than shrinking away.

Let’s face it. You’ll be even more attractive.

There’s no denying it. People who look younger and healthier are more attractive to other people than people who seem to be aging prematurely and seem to be unwell. While teeth aren’t the only element of an attractive appearance, yellowed and stained teeth can drag down a beautiful and compelling visage and personality. If your goals include feeling and being as attractive as possible — and what’s wrong with that?! — investigating the availability of teeth whitening near you may be the boost you need.

Who knows? Your teeth may even end up cleaner, too.

Teeth whitening and teeth cleaning are not the same dental procedure, and whitening isn’t a substitute for having your teeth cleaned at a dentist near you. One thing we notice about patients who have had their teeth whitened is that they are much more committed to their own oral health. Why do people who have received teeth whitening in Spruce Grove take better care of their teeth by brushing and flossing? For the simple reason that they’ve felt the benefit of teeth at their very best, and want to keep them that way.

Are you looking for work?

We mentioned being attractive to other people earlier. Social and romantic attractiveness and attraction aren’t the only things we were talking about, although they’re obviously hugely important. If you are looking for work or work in a position where presentation and appearance are important, having your teeth whitened can help you make a great first impression at a job interview and help you keep making great impressions on the job.

To find out about your options for getting teeth whitening near you and the benefits of whiter teeth for your life, contact a dentist near you.


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