How Tongue Tie Leads To Sleep Apnea


Tongue-tie is often identified as what happens when people have difficulty articulating their words with precision and accuracy. However, it is actually a medical condition that occurs when the piece of tissue that joins the tongue to the bottom of the mouth (the lingual frenulum) is too thick or too short. It hinders the tongue from moving as freely as it ought to. This is what makes it hard for a patient to articulate what they are trying to say. Tongue-tie is mainly known for its ability to impede speech production and cause difficulties in breastfeeding, however, it can also lead to sleep apnea. If you have to go to a dentist near you for sleep apnea treatment, here are some vital details for you to know about the connection between the two.

Tongue Tie and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: The Connection

There are a lot of several ways by which tongue-tie can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, but here are the major ways the influence is done.

1.    Habitual mouth breathing.

A lot of individuals with a tongue tie also perpetually breathe with their mouths. When this happens consistently for an extended time, it can lead to microtrauma on the tissues that are in the back of the throat, including the tonsils. This might then cause the tonsils to enlarge and lead to airway obstructions during sleep. This is one main contributing factor to sleep apnea.

2.    The tongue is in a lower resting position.

The tongue is supposed to be able to come in contact with the palate (the roof of the mouth) even when a child is developing physically. Tongue-tie presses the tongue down to adapt to a lower resting position, and thus hinder the development of the palate. This may further cause a high or an abnormally arched palate, leaving less room for the nasal passages above it, and contributing to difficulties in breathing, including sleep apnea.

How Do You Know If Your Tongue Tie Is Why You Can Not Sleep Well?

You should go for a tongue-tie treatment near you if you exhibit one or more of the following symptoms in addition to sleep apnea:

     Difficulty in speaking after you drinks alcohol; no matter how little it is.

     Frequent dental health problems, like cavities.

     Tend to avoid certain food compositions. 

     Inability to widely open your mouth. 

Treatment For Tongue Tie

Usually, doctors deal with the issue of tongue-tie early in the life of a child, because pediatricians check for it during their yearly visits as they monitor developmental milestones. A tongue-tie patient will undergo minor surgery, frenectomy, to loosen the lingual frenulum. If tongue-tie is not treated early, it can still cause problems, including sleep apnea into adulthood. If you believe you have tongue-tie, you should see our dentist in Spruce Grove for a frenectomy.

Although dentists and oral surgeons usually perform this procedure for both children and adults, you should not expect that it will just automatically cure tongue tie-related issues. You will probably have to go for a myofunctional therapy to train your tongue on resting in its proper place, because of previous years of finding rest in the wrong position. You may also want to do sleep apnea therapy to help you with sleeping better while you are recovering from a tongue tie.

A tied tongue is a severe issue that may interfere with your communications, sleep, and your general health. Fortunately, tongue-tie treatment in Spruce Grove is available to help you get the sleep you desire. Reach out to us at  Blossom Family Dental Care to get the comfortable life you deserve.


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